
Contact Info
5 Rue Louis Dessard 95120, Ermont

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Who we are ?

Fenrisk is a company specializing in offensive cybersecurity and penetration testing, founded by two experts with several years of experience in these fields.

Who we are ?

What we do ?

Our services

Penetration tests

Fenrisk helps you secure your applications and servers by providing its expertise. The purpose of penetration testing is to identify vulnerabilities in your systems using the same techniques as real attackers. For each identified vulnerability, Fenrisk offers a tailored remediation that takes into account your context and technical constraints.

RedTeam tests

Fenrisk can also challenge your organization in the manner of an organized group of attackers using a RedTeam approach. We focus on the critical paths that could lead an attacker to access sensitive resources (customer databases, payment bypass, denial of service, etc.) or even penetrate your internal network.

Code audits

When black box and gray box testing are no longer sufficient, we also offer white box testing to uncover deep code vulnerabilities. We work alongside you to find the most difficult-to-identify vulnerabilities in your applications, systems, and networks.

Configuration audits

Configuration audits allow for the verification of the implementation of security best practices on your equipment or technical solutions. Experts analyze each configuration point to ensure that none pose a threat to your security.

Architecture audits

Architecture audits will protect you from risks related to the design of your network or solution. Experts analyze technical documents and interview responsible parties to ensure compliance with network security recommendations.


To sharpen your cybersecurity reflexes, we are pleased to share our expertise with your teams. Both in-person and virtual sessions are available for booking, with a maximum of 10 participants per session.

What do our reports contain?

What do our reports contain?

An executive summary

Our reports contain an overall presentation of the tests conducted and the conclusions drawn by the experts. This presentation does not contain technical details and is intended for decision-making branches.

Vulnerabilities details

Each observed vulnerability is detailed. Audit evidence is provided in a way that allows the client to reproduce the findings. Associated technical risks are outlined.


For each vulnerability, recommendations are formulated to correct and minimize this risk to the maximum extent. Each recommendation is tailored to the client's specificities and constraints.

A propos de nous

Julien Szlamowicz

Julien 'SzLam' Szlamowicz-Czubak is the president of Fenrisk as well as one of its security experts. He has a particular interest in web application security. After working for 6 years at a major auditing firm in Paris, he decided to give a new direction to his career, eager to provide his clients with high-value-added consultancy.

Maxime Rinaudo

Maxime Rinaudo is the co-founder of Fenrisk as well as one of its security experts. He is also passionate about web application security. After working for ten years within the Ministry of Defense and three years as a consultant in Paris, Maxime decided to join Julien in their venture to share their vision of offensive security.